Sunday, September 4, 2011

update 4.9.11

Today was a mixed day.

Starting of day was not good. Yesterday, our landlord told us to leave the house within the week. He sold the flat to someone else and they wanted to paint the house before the "pittr" starts and that is within this week. So we thought of moving to wadi but then a 2 bhk was empty in the same building and the flat was nice too, so we are moving just a floor down.So that worry part was over. Now we have to just worry about moving our stuff.

Next in work life ,I have to upload a file on server which has been created by tcpdf module. But i don't know how to do that. I searched net and got some ideas but all are not working. Kamlesh sir gave me a idea but not able to implement without him, will go to him in morning and sort it out. I will generate the pdf in the required format ,by adding some html . It has to done and I know how so I will do it now ,will sort the upload problem in morning. Jhajhariya sir wanted it to done by 4:30 in evening. will try to do that.

I will leave with a screen shot of web page of the file which I am trying to upload.

If somebody know how to upload this file on server rather than on local. Please help me . The pdf has been created using tcpdf.

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